Simplicity CSS

Simplicity CSS is a grid-based classful CSS framework. Work started on it on 2023-02-10 as an attempt to get my hodge-podge looking websites into a semblance of order. This site is using Simplicity to manage everything.

In terms of layout, it functions similar to bootstrap by dividing the page up into 12 columns. Initially I'd considered 13 columns since it would make centering items on the page easier, but I decided against it when it was pointed out to me that it makes literally every other operation difficult to do. For example, it's very easy to line items up on either side of the center line with a 12 column layout, but near impossible with a 13 column one.

Since the framework is still in development, it's hard to say what exactly it will offer in the end. Currently, it has the following.

  1. A wide array of colors to select from
  2. A primary navmenu
  3. optional branding
  4. Grid based responsive layout options
  5. Cards to place content on

The framework is still in active development since I am unsure whether I have truly added in all the features I originally wanted to add in, nor am I certain that I am going to keep everything that the framework currently has. For example, some of the colors are very similar to each other, and I may be better off replacing those colors with a different color set. As another example, I had forgotten to add in a method to handle pagination of content in the framework, which prevented me from using the framework on a few of my sites until I did.



If you'd like to know more about the framework, please check out the Documentation.

Sites written in this framework